Marketing Lead
Iva leads the marketing team at Konvart. With over six years of SEO experience and more years in the marketing space, she understands the intricacies of marketing.
May 10, 2024

How Many People Use Bing vs Google

Marketing Lead
Iva leads the marketing team at Konvart. With over six years of SEO experience and more years in the marketing space, she understands the intricacies of marketing.

Google and Bing dominate the search engine market, each serving vast numbers of users with varying preferences. Recent statistics from 2024 reveal that Google continues to lead with a substantial majority, engaging billions globally, while Bing maintains a smaller, yet significant, user base.

This article provides a detailed comparison of user statistics for both search engines in 2024.

How Many People Use Bing vs. Google

About 4 billion people use Google, and 164 million use Bing monthly.

82% of internet users search on search engines at least once every month. As of April 2024, there were around 5.44 billion internet users, according to Statista. This means approximately 4.5 billion people are searching on the internet every month.

As of 2024, Google commands 90.91% of the global search engine market. In contrast, Bing, which is operated by Microsoft, holds a much smaller portion of the market. Reports from 2024 suggest that Bing’s market share hovers around 3.64%. The other search engines, including YANDEX, Baidu, Yahoo!, and DuckDuckGo, share the rest of the market. The market share is different in each country. For example, in the United States, Google has about 86% of the market share, and Bing has about 8%.

It should be noted that several people use Google 3-4 times a day and some people don’t search for anything for some days, resorting to social media platforms such as Tiktok and Instagram to find businesses or AI platforms like Gemini and ChatGPT for information – this is only a small percentage of search engine users, though.

Bing vs Google Market Share in 2024

Comparing the market shares of Bing and Google in 2024 reveals a clear dominance by Google in the search engine sector.

Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Search Engine Market Share

Google holds 91%, while Bing holds 3.64%.

Although Google is leading the market, it has consistently lost market share since 2023 but not by a large margin. This could be as a result of several reasons, including:

  • The irrelevance of search results – several users have complained on social media and internet forums about the results they get – here’s one Reddit thread on this matter.
  • Introduction of more SERP features that do not answer the search query – discussions and forums, I see you.
  • Ads take up more space in the SERP—you get four ads at the top, people also ask, maybe one or two relevant results, then Google Business Profiles (with ads), Youtube, forums, and ads again.

To be fair to Google, more SEO specialists try to game search every day, so it may be a game of whack-a-mole as Google tries to sort this out. However, with Bing, you will likely see fewer or no ads (mainly because fewer people advertise on Bing) and better organization of results so you can find what you need easily – whether that is a service or information.

Nevertheless, Google still wins in many areas, including speed – seconds on Google vs minutes for Bing sometimes.

The sheer volume of data processed by Google and its hold on the search engine market still keeps it at the top. Also, Google frequently updates its algorithms to enhance user experience and maintain its market position. Conversely, Bing has been focusing on niche areas like augmented reality and visual searches to carve out a unique space within the market.

What Percentage of Searches are done on Google?

90.91% of searches are done on Google if you are looking at the global search engine market. In the USA, 86% of searches are done on Google.

Advertising: Bing Ads vs. Google Ads Usage

In 2023, Bing generated $12.2 billion in ad revenue. In contrast, Google Search generated $175.03 billion in ad revenue. Both companies achieved growth in ad revenue in 2023, with Google recording a 7.7% increase and Bing recording a 6% increase.

Either platform works for advertising though you need to factor the number of people searching on Google which will result in more visibility for your brand. However, that comes at a higher cost. Typically, the cost-per-click (CPC) on Bing Ads is lower compared to Google Ads due to less competition. This can be an attractive option for small to medium-sized enterprises or those with limited advertising budgets who still want to achieve significant impact.

Each platform’s geographic performance should be considered as well; while Google maintains a strong presence globally, Bing’s market share is quite low in some countries, so it may not make a lot of sense to invest in advertising (notably in Nigeria – 0.5% market share –, India and most of Asia – Baidu has a higher market share than Bing in Asia). However, Bing still has a good hold on some markets, including Canada (6%) and Germany (5.47%).

Advertisers must evaluate their specific goals, budget constraints, and target demographics when deciding between these two powerful platforms for their digital marketing strategies.

Differences Between Bing and Google

Understanding the differences between Bing and Google is essential for grasping why their user bases differ significantly. Each search engine has distinct features, algorithms, and user interfaces that attract different demographics.

Search Algorithms and Page Ranking
Google employs a complex algorithm that assesses the quality and quantity of links to a page, site reputation as a whole, and the user experience to determine a rough estimate of the website’s importance. It also checks the content (although Google doesn’t know what helpful content is). On the other hand, Bing uses a similar approach – site reputation, user engagement, and user location to influence the relevance and type of content presented to users on each platform.

User Interface and Experience
Google offers a minimalistic design which works as a search engine – most people don’t need high quality images to distract from the results. Bing often features a changing background displaying high-quality images of nature and cities on its search home page but it sticks to a similar design to Google for the results.

Integration with Services
Google seamlessly integrates with its own services like Google Maps, Google Scholar, and Google News, providing a more cohesive experience across its various platforms. Bing, while offering similar services, is heavily integrated with similar products like Bing places.

Can Bing Manage to Overtake Google?

This is a funny question to me – anything can happen – it’s life. Nevertheless, let’s look at the possibility. Currently, Google dominates the search engine market, boasting a global market share of about 90.91%, compared to Bing’s 3.64%. This stark difference illustrates the challenge Bing faces.

One key factor is brand loyalty. Google has become synonymous with internet searches, deeply ingraining itself in users’ digital habits. This loyalty is bolstered by Google’s integration with Android devices and its suite of services like Google Maps and Gmail, which create a cohesive ecosystem. It is also the default search engine for most of the major browsers including its own, Chrome, and Safari. For Bing to make significant inroads, it would need to disrupt these established user habits, which is a formidable task.

User privacy concerns present an opportunity for Bing if it can capitalize on increasing scrutiny over data handling by tech giants like Google. Offering superior privacy features could attract privacy-conscious users. However, this strategy demands clear communication of these benefits to users who are not typically swayed by technical details.

Lastly, the global market offers uneven opportunities for growth. In regions where Google faces regulatory challenges or less penetration, such as China and Russia, Bing could see growth by positioning itself as a viable alternative. However, these markets often have strong local competitors, such as Baidu in China.

While Bing continues to face challenges in matching Google’s scale and user base, strategic innovations and targeted market approaches could narrow the gap over time. Nonetheless, overtaking Google requires significant shifts in consumer behavior and industry dynamics that are currently heavily tilted in favor of Google.

So, Which is Better: Google or Bing?

When considering which search engine is superior, Google or Bing, the answer largely depends on what criteria you’re using to define “better.” Google undoubtedly holds a dominant position in the market share, being the go-to search engine for the vast majority of internet users.

The choice between Google and Bing may also hinge on personal preferences and specific needs.

Staying updated with the latest data and trends will be crucial for those looking to understand more about how many people will use Google or Bing in 2024 and beyond. Subscribe to our blog for such updates.

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